Wallpaper for study or home office – the right decision for optimum work flow

In recent years, wallpaper décor in offices has increasingly moved into the focus of attention. Sterile white walls in home offices or work spaces are generally long gone as it’s become clear that work areas benefit from the right ambience just as much as living spaces in terms of employee well-being and company productivity.
Wallpapers are definitely a good choice when it comes to enhancing working areas as they can add a comfortable, cosy feel to a room – you just need to consider what effect you are trying to achieve before choosing a specific style. Colours and patterns, as well as surface qualities and structures, have an impact on atmosphere and mood. So, which questions should we ask that will lead to the correct decision and which criteria should we apply when choosing wallpapers for work areas?
Firstly, we should think about what is the room going to be used for? Studies and home offices are frequently considered to be the same thing – the space within the home which is used for professional purposes. However, a study can be used for a favourite hobby for example, or to keep personal documents, correspondence or professional development. And studies are not just for adults: children and young adults might use them to do their homework or prepare for exams.
Next, is the workspace integrated into living quarters or is it a separate room?
If there is no separate room available, the study area is integrated into the living space, usually a corner or alcove in the hallway, a mezzanine or a separated area in an open-plan living room. So, when it comes to integrated work areas, a visual differentiation between living and relaxing spaces is particularly important. Psychologically, when we perform work-type tasks, the requirements for the room are very different from those for a room to relax in. Housing experts recommend we avoid creating a work space in a bedroom, as this is where we should be able to concentrate exclusively on rest and relaxation. If you create a work area in your living room, hallway or landing, make sure that you can work undisturbed and don’t have the other rooms right in front of your eyes as it is distracting.
When it comes to decorating the work space then, the wall décor should fit in with the existing design to create a harmonious picture – so choose a colour of the same palette as the existing walls or contrasting colours that complement what is already there. The same is true for patterns and materials or surface structures. Wallpapers for working areas which are integrated into living spaces should not stick out – they should tie in with the existing wall design. There is the opportunity to combine patterns though. By using patterned wallpapers which go together and have similar colours, you can create an optical delineation without disturbing the whole picture.
If, of course, you have a separate room, it’s much easier to decorate; you can let your imagination take over as there’s no existing concept to consider. However, colours, patterns, the layout and size of the room, sources of daylight etc. are important factors to consider.
Finally, think about the type of work to be done in the workspace when you choose your wallpaper. Colours, patterns, surfaces all have an impact on our senses; they can be inspiring, motivating, stimulating, relaxing, or distracting. So: will the workspace be dedicated to mental work that requires a good deal of concentration? Are the tasks you will be carrying out in more monotonous or more varied? Is the work you intend to do manual or craft-related? Will the wallpaper be exposed to paint, chemicals or other heavy-duty use? Are you after a wall décor that will support your creativity, inspire your imagination and stimulate you?
Decisions about materials, colours, patterns, structure and specific characteristics are made easier once these basic questions have been answered. A little forethought and honest consideration will help to create the optimum home workspace for you.